I traditionally take 2-3 weekends a year to myself. Is this selfish? I don't think so. As a wife, mom and full-time employee, I wear a lot of hats and keep myself busy most days. Daily I take care of myself by reading and exercising (and avoiding the news)! However, I find I thrive and do better at all my roles when I take time AWAY to care for myself. Scrapbooking has been an outlet or "therapy" for me for most of my life. Or at least some version of it. I have journaled, kept photo albums, trip records- even a dive record- when I was a scuba diver! Recording my thoughts, memories and telling stories with my photos makes my soul happy. My 2-4 day getaways to do a craft I love and be with friends I love is just what the doctor ordered. I come back to all my responsibilities feeling refreshed, more patient and more creative! Here are a few of the ladies I love to share this time with.